字符集测试, ISO-8859-1页, maxigos mgosLoader.js

Remember: characters such as 石 or 田 that are not in the "ISO-8859-1" character set must be encoded, using for instance Decimal NCRs.

Sgf file name between tags





Sgf record between tags

(; FF[4] CA[Shift_JIS] GM[1] SZ[19] ;B[qd] C[héhé 石田 CA property value is Shift_JIS in sgf record maxiGos ignores it in this case anyway] AP[maxiGos:6.20])

(; FF[4] CA[UTF-8] GM[1] SZ[19] ;B[qd] C[héhé 石田 sgf CA property value is UTF-8 in sgf record maxiGos ignores it in this case anyway] AP[maxiGos:6.20])

(; FF[4] CA[ISO-8859-1] GM[1] SZ[19] ;B[qd] C[héhé 石田 sgf CA property value is ISO-8859-1 in sgf record maxiGos ignores it in this case anyway] AP[maxiGos:6.20])

(; FF[4] GM[1] SZ[19] ;B[qd] C[héhé 石田 no CA property in sgf record maxiGos ignores it in this case anyway] AP[maxiGos:6.20])