MaxiGos v6.48 download page

Copyright 1998-2024 - François Mizessyn -

MaxiGos is a sgf player to show go games or problems in a web page. It is written in php and javascript (the end user has just to let javascript enable in his browser).

You can use maxiGos free of charge on your website (BSD type license).

Download full version of maxiGos

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Warning for those who customized previous versions of maxiGos

From v6.42, all data in javascript scripts are stored in a single global variable called mxG.

Download stand-alone players only

These players are designed to work alone (all the code is embedded in only one javascript script file). Click here or here to see what these players can do.

The defaut language is french but it is quite easy to use english instead of french. Just add <script>mxG={L:"en"};</script> in your web page before calling maxiGos player, or add if (typeof mxG=='undefined') mxG={};mxG.L="en"; at the beginning of the stand-alone player javascript files. To use maxiGos in another language, see the "Localization" chapter of the documentation.

Minimalist style

Stand-alone minimalist players can be easily customized and adapt their width automatically to fit the width of their container (see these samples: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).

Download "maxigos-minimal-basic.js" (See a sample using "maxigos-minimal-basic.js")
Download "maxigos-minimal-comment.js" (See a sample using "maxigos-minimal-comment.js")
Download "maxigos-minimal-diagram.js" (See a sample using "maxigos-minimal-diagram.js")
Download "maxigos-minimal-game.js" (See a sample using "maxigos-minimal-game.js")
Download "maxigos-minimal-problem.js" (See a sample using "maxigos-minimal-problem.js")
Download "maxigos-minimal-tree.js" (See a sample using "maxigos-minimal-tree.js")

Classic style

Download "maxigos-basic.js" (See a sample using "maxigos-basic.js")
Download "maxigos-comment.js" (See a sample using "maxigos-comment.js")
Download "maxigos-diagram.js" (See a sample using "maxigos-diagram.js")
Download "maxigos-edit.js" (See a sample using "maxigos-edit.js")
Download "maxigos-game.js" (See a sample using "maxigos-game.js")
Download "maxigos-kifu.js" (See a sample using "maxigos-kifu.js")
Download "maxigos-problem.js" (See a sample using "maxigos-problem.js")
Download "maxigos-tree.js" (See a sample using "maxigos-tree.js")

Tatami style

Download "maxigos-tatami-basic.js" (See a sample using "maxigos-tatami-basic.js")
Download "maxigos-tatami-comment.js" (See a sample using "maxigos-tatami-comment.js")
Download "maxigos-tatami-diagram.js" (See a sample using "maxigos-tatami-diagram.js")
Download "maxigos-tatami-game.js" (See a sample using "maxigos-tatami-game.js")
Download "maxigos-tatami-problem.js" (See a sample using "maxigos-tatami-problem.js")
Download "maxigos-tatami-tree.js" (See a sample using "maxigos-tatami-tree.js")

Other styles

Download "fm.js" (See a sample using "fm.js")
Download "tiger.js" (See a sample using "tiger.js")

What is new in the 6.48 version?

What is new in the 6.47 version?

What is new in the 6.46 version?

What is new in the 6.45 version?

What is new in the 6.44 version?

What is new in the 6.43 version?

What is new in the 6.42 version?

What is new in the 6.41 version?