The Chinese way to decide game result and its evolution
by Zhao Zhi Yun 6-dan translated by GS Huang



1. The Filling Scheme in the Tang and Song Dynasty


The so called Filling Scheme is originated in China. It is estimated that by the Tang Dynasty it had already become the most popular way to decide the game result. We hereby name it with Tang Song doesn't mean that we believe it had come into being no later than the Tang Dynasty. We just want to differentiate it with the Filling Scheme that is popular in Japan and Korea nowadays.[1]


It has been over a thousand years since Tang and Song, and the documents for go survived today is so limited. Therefore it left us so many unsolved puzzles. We have been studying this Filling Scheme for very long time, and sometimes we even made very bold guesses, however we can only gather a rough idea about its logic. Ironically this rule had been governing Chinese go games for so long a time.


Filling Scheme was known as taking the unoccupied points as area. And the Tang/Song Scheme is no exception. However there's some differences between this rule and what we thought. Let take 金花椀图, a game documented in 《忘忧清乐集》, as an example.


The comment besides the game record reads " 阎景实 plays white; 顾师言 plays black and win by one route. They both made 122 moves, black captured 6 white stones and had 40 routes; white captured 6 black stones and had 39 routes."


This comment tells us: when the game is over, the players should put the captured stones (both already removed from the board and those still sits on the board but deemed dead) into their own area, and compute the difference of the routes that has been occupied. This practice is identical to the Japanese rule. Here the Chinese word "win by one route" is the same as the Japanese description "win by one moku". [2]



But if we further study the game record and the comment, we can find some differences.


First, it explicitly stated that "both made 122 moves". This is different from the game records in Ming/Qing Dynasty and the Japanese records. Furthermore, notice the last move, black's 244 doesn't have any value, but it is mandatory. That's because that move helps to balance number of moves, therefore we can read the template words "they both made how many moves". 《忘忧清乐集》, a book written and published in the Song Dynasty, has documented four games in full completeness, and all have even moves and the statement "both made XXX moves", just like this game. So this is not a coincidence. Now if we compare it with the Japanese rule, which don't require the player to make valueless moves, we will naturally come to a question: why Tang/Song rules emphasize the balance of the number of moves? It looks like the rule deems a round as a indivisible unit.


With further thinking we can find there's some other reasons behind this requirement.


Play in turn, this looks so natural that it masks a question that can be easily ignored. Why the games ends at the 244th move? Well the answer is, both the players acknowledge that there's no unoccupied routes left for them to battle, therefore they can use a simplified approach to calculate the result. But if the games is still uncleared (for example there are some groups whose death or aliveness is still unknown or controversial), then the player should continue to play. And if that happens, each player MUST make his move. When there were not neutral point, he has to fill his own area. This is an obligation and shows the fairness of the rule. [3]


Now let's take Bent Four in the corner as an example.


In 《敦煌棋经》, it says, "角旁曲四,局竟乃亡", which means, "Bent Four in the corner will be killed when the game finishes.". So we can see that Bent Four in the corner is sentenced to be dead since very long ago. But notice the word finish. This implies the group is helpless. If there were favorable seki or double ko exists, things will be totally different.

图一 十一道棋盘,左上黑呈“盘角曲四”,死灰不能复燃了,理由何在?

In picture one(图一), the upper left corner is a "Bent Four", and it IS dead. Why?

不少棋界人士认为:填空法(指现行日本的)存在明显欠缺,那就是在地域中补劫材要自损目数。例如左上黑角虽说死定,而事实上白方必须在ABC 补劫材,然后再在DE紧气,最后才能动手置黑棋于死地,但白A–D既然着着损目,又怎么能硬性规定盘角曲四无条件死呢?这就使人困惑了。

A lot of Go players believes the Japanese's Filing Scheme has an obvious drawback: you have to fill your own area to get rid of the ko threats. For example, although the upper left corner is dead, it's not captured yet. In order to capture it, white must reinforce at A, B, C, and then kill the liberty at D,E, and afterwards he can start to execute. But if all those moves are necessary and can help to reduce white's area how can the rule say Bent Four in the corner is dead?


If we follow Tang/Song scheme, things will be easy. Tang/Song's rule is indifferent about occupying neutral route.

图二 双方将带“圈”记号的无路官子补上后(就填空法而言,这几着棋无关地域的增减,与图中白1以下与地域增减有关的着法不同),然后白1补劫,黑2为保持着手平衡,亦要在地中相应地自填,以下双方进行至12 ……

(pic 2). Both the players take the neutral points first(this has no impact on the result of the game), and white begin to amending for ko threat. And as an obligation, black should also make move in his own area.

图三 前图的继续,白5提后,黑6为保持着手平衡,不得不走,结果盘角曲四被歼,胜负之数并无增减。

(pic 3), As an obligation, when white play 5 and capture the black stones, black should also make 6. And the result of the game remains the same.


In this view, to deem Bent Four in the corner as dead is just a simplified practice, and it is related to the balance of the number of moves.



With this analysis, I guess "the requirement to have even moves to finish the game", is just a vestige from the early time of the Filling Scheme, (because they had not found a simpler way that can skip more moves and decide the game result much earlier ). At the time of Tang and Song, although it is not really needed, it is still kept as a sign of fairness. [4]






图四 假设进行至30着,全局结束。

图五 将白方死子与黑方死子相互填入对方围有的空点中,呈图中形状,然后计算胜负。

图六 这是示意图,双方如继续进行,黑方填完16着后,己不能再行自填,否则将影响黑惧的生死;而白方除了可填16着保持双方着手平衡外,还多余A位三点,白共有9点可填。






[1]According to 《新论》, which was written by 桓潭 of the Han Dynasty, "Go is a game that who can occupy more routes wins". With the understanding that route mean the available crossing on the board, we can conclude that in the Han, Tang and Song Dynasty, the way to decide go game result was consistent.
[2]Actually in China, "目" which is pronounced as "mu" in Chinese and "moku" in Japanese, was also used to refer to the unoccupied crossing on the board. For example in 桓潭's《新论》, when he talked about Go, he said "趋作罫目". This is also an evidence that the Japanese rule is orignited from the Chinese rule.

Chinese editor's comment.

Play in turn, can not relinquish. Virtual move, which means hand
back a captured stone to your opponent, is allowed.

Chinese Editor's comment (also the translator's opinion)

Mr. Zhao retreats here. I don't agree with him in this point. I
believe the importance of the principle of "even moves to end the
game" can not be over-estimated.















